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Exclusive Services:

The Love Fund 

If you, or an immediate family member, has been diagnosed will Sickle Cell Anemia or Cancer and are in financial need, you can apply to for help through The Love Fund. Through The Love Fund we provide financial support to individuals and families affected by SCA and Cancer on  a case by case basis. We offer love in the form of rental assistance, utility assistance, food assistance, medical expenses, and funeral costs.

Youth Of The Nation 2022-2023

In collaboration with the Rankin Christian Center, Something to Always Love Inc. helps lead educational
discussions, assist in planning field trips and coordination inviting guest speakers who can act as a
resource or advocate for youth in the program. The goal of inviting guest speakers is to help members of
the Youth of the Nation Group establish a network of resources for life of post secondary education
whether it be in a trade, receiving a 2 year degree, or attending a 4 year college.
The Youth of the Nation Group is a Learning-through-Serving program designed to provide opportunities
for students to engage with the community, while assisting them in creating a post-graduation plan, a
career path, or atleast a general idea of how to succeed in the "real world". With the incentive of free
dinner, field trips, and service hours, our goal is to empower our youth to make positive advances in the
world, in their communities, and in their own lives. The program is free of cost, although transportation is
not provided to the Rankin Christian Center site.

Community Engagement Garden Project 2022-2023

In collaboration with our partners at Grow Pittsburgh, we are working to develop community gardens in low-income communities or in areas where there are no established gardens for the community. As part of this project members of Something to Always Love Inc work to help develop teams of people who are interested in overseeing operations and maintaining gardens once they are established. Our community outreach team works to also get the members of the community engaged by hosting community events at the site of the gardens. This is important because we want not only the people to be aware about the  development of a garden but we want them to use it as a resource of fresh products like vegetables and fruits. 

Resource Programs for Public or  Patients:

Support Volunteer Program 

Have you ever sat at a hospital alone? Have you felt like you aren't being heard by your care team? Do you have a child in the hospital & worried they are missing class work? 


The Support Volunteer Program will assist you in all of this. We provide mentorship opportunities free of charge to individuals & their families who battle SCA & caner to help ease the difficult times of being in a hospital. If you are someone who doesn't like sitting alone while being in the emergency room  or need a cheerful greeting, we will come visit!! 


If you feel like you care team isn't listening to you as a patient we will set up a mediation meeting to your healthcare office at your request. We can not & it is against company policy to provide you medical advice without the proper certification or degree. We only act as advocates to get you connected to the next level physician through the proper network channels should anyone request this service. 


In addition to the services above we provide youth mentorship to young scholars while in the hospital by collecting class work, tutoring, & support volunteer hospital visits to kids admitted into any local hospital within the Pittsburgh & Philadelphia regions.


City Transportation Program 

Having trouble getting around the city? We can help you by providing bus tickets, ride-shares, or cab to get you where you need to go.


This service is free of charge to individuals battling with the illnesses of SCA & Cancer. This program is offered on a case by case basis. Patients can receive up to $50 transportation stipends per month.


Volunteer with Love Program 

The Volunteer with Love program is a program that is open to the public or anyone who wishes to give back to the community. Something To Always Love Inc is always looking for volunteers to support patients, help with event set up, tutoring, & more. 


If you are a high school senior or college student looking for community service hours or service projects please email for more information regarding unpaid & paid internship opportunities. 


Business on Business Program 

The goal of the Business Knowledge & Corporate Filing program is to educate the public but mainly educate & provide advice to  young  inspiring entrepreneur on filing requirements, cost, & mistakes common likely made when filing as well as hearing from the CEO himself on mistakes he made while incorporating in 2019.


This is a online course offered & created  through our corporation free to sca & cancer patients. If you are someone who wishes to take the session but do not have an illness cost of the course is $25 & additional $35 to help cover cost of book provided. 


Updated course information is below in the Upcoming Programs section of this page.



Emergency Medical Training Program of 2023

In collaboration with our partners at the Rankin Christian Center we would like to offer an EMT training course to high school students, college students, and  local first responder personnel per session. If you are interested in helping people, looking for a career change or just want to further your education for the better. 


Fill out the form below to express interest in our Spring 2023 course for Emergency Medical Technician and we will contact you with more information closer to the start of classes. To be eligible to take this course as a student and be paid for completion you must be between the ages of 16 to 24 and attend an accredited high school or college. This program is limited to a certain number of spots to meet funding requirements and student to teacher ratios. 


SPACES ARE LIMITED therefore we will only contact individuals who have completed this form in its entirety and have meet the requirements for the Emergency Medical Training at the Rankin Christian Center. Dates and times for training are TBA.  

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