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Programs and Services

The Love Fund

The purpose of The Love Fund is to provide financial assistance to patients or their families in times of hardship while in the hospital or recovering from illness.


 The goal of  The Love Fund is to provide financial support to individuals and families affected by SCA and Cancer on  a case by case basis. We offer love in the form of rental assistance, utility assistance, food assistance, medical expenses, and funeral costs. 

Sickle Cell Peer Support Group

The purpose of the I sickle my cell peer support group is to host open and lead discussions on the topic of sickle cell anemia including what sickle cell is, who does it affect, how to properly communicate with physicians or family members, what is advocacy when dealing  sickle cell, and to include a wide range of topics regarding life or growth when having a chronic illness. 


The goal of this group is to educate the public on sickle cell anemia while providing awareness, resources outside the hospital and  an opportunity for sickle cell patients and their families to have their voices heard on their needs and what they feel can be improved within the healthcare system to better care for people worldwide.

Cancer Peer Support Group

The purpose of the I-Can-cer, Can’t Make You peer support group is to host open and lead discussions on the topic of cancer including what are the different types of cancer, who does it affect, properly communication between the physician or family, what is advocacy when dealing with cancer, and to include a wide range of topics dealing with life and following your dream or achieving life goals. 


 The goal of this group is to educate the public on different types of cancer while providing awareness, resources outside the hospital and  an opportunity for cancer patients and their families to have their voices heard on their needs and what you can do to still achieve life goals. 

Support Volunteer Program

The purpose of the support volunteer service program is to  provide transportation services, advocacy and social or emotional support to patients in and outside the hospital who do not have family or long-term care at home. 


Our goal is to bring the patient an educational and  family or friendly environment through tutoring, career advancement,  job placement opportunities, games and arts or crafts

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